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after a long time - another trip to wadi shab

date: 2021-07-03

rating: top trip

links: [track]

After a going to a lot of other wadis, for example tiwi, arabeen, bani khalid, hawir (twice), I had forgotten how cool wadi shab is, even though now I would consider it a beginner wadi. A nice trip in the middle of summer early in the morning was very good.


a note about wadi shab


We are in the blazing hotness of summer here. Hilariously, and scarily, I think it is not as hot as the pacific nortwest of the united states of america, and parts of canada. I really feel for those folks. We have the AC here for sure so it is okay.

In the UK, similar to the PNW and BC, they don't have much AC. I don't think I ever lived in a flat with AC. When it got in the upper 20s (celsius) I would be dying. I can only imagine if it was pushing 40. dang.

At any rate, the time to do things here is in the morning - so we set off at 07:30.

picture of the sun and greenery in the wadi
green and sun

photo looking through a passageway into a the cave at wadi shab
swim on back into the cave if you want